Upper and Lower Buckatabon Lakes District

Conover, WI

In 2022, the residents of Upper and Lower Buckatabon Lakes founded the Upper and Lower Buckatabon Lakes District.  This site is a resource for its residents to find information on the Upper and Lower Buckatabon Lakes District's meetings, leadership, budget, vision, current and future projects, and its past accomplishments.  The Lake District is guided by the principles that these lakes should be protected and preserved for generations to come. 

Summer Letter from the District Chair...

Hello everyone

First off, I want to invite anyone who would like to serve on the board to submit their resume or statement of interests to me or any of the board members. We are sending out the mailing for the annual meeting next week, but we can add you at the meeting and on the website. There is one spot open, mine, but we would welcome another person(s) to run. Despite the results of the election, we need committee members to assist our current committees and to form additional committees. If you have skills in computers, web pages, taking notes and typing, organizing events, are a lawyer, scientist, anything. Longer term commitments are not required. One off volunteering such as setting up and taking down chairs. Assisting in taking water samples, putting in the “Rock” buoy or taking it out. Plus, lots of other stuff!!  

Things you might have noticed this summer. Lots of eagles on the lake! One neighbor joked that they must know were stocking Walleye. Bad news, the Eurasian Water Milfoil is thicker everywhere, including place on the lake it has never been such as the West-Northwestern shore of Upper and parts of Lower. One theory from scientists is the lack of snow cover on the lake allowed light to penetrate the ice and gave the EWM a boost. Not sure if that’s why, but something made it worse.  

June was very busy for the Lake District Board and Committees. We welcomed interns from the University of Wisconsin to conduct Clean Boats Clean Waters inspections and give information on AIS (Aquatic Invasive Species). Camp Ramah hired a service to come to their swimming area and preform DASH work (diver assisted suction harvesting). Thank you to the Camp for this effort.

The PercellaCOR was applied to the area designated by our Lake Management Plan on June 14.  The results have been beyond expectations. More info on this will be presented at the annual meeting taking place on August 3rd at the town center.

A change in Wisconsin statutes allows Lake Districts to deliver the materials for the Annual and Special Meetings via email rather than USPS. This would be a cost savings for the District. For the annual meeting on August 3rd , all members will be mailed packets via the US Postal Service.  Please consider submitting you email address to ulbuckatabonnews@gmail.com.

Please include your name, physical mailing address used for your tax bill, and your property info, either the physical address or the PIN. The District will not sell email list. OF COURSE, IF YOU DO NOT HAVE EMAIL OR DO NOT WISH TO SHARE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS, YOU WILL CONTINUE TO RECEIVE PAPER NOTICES VIA THE US MAIL.

Please try to make the Augusts 3rd meeting. This will not be a teleconference; you must be present to vote and ask questions. Specifics will be in your mailed packet.

Have a great rest of your summer! See you at the meeting.

-Peggy DeFranceschi

Recent Resident Correspondence

DASH at Camp Ramah

Camp Ramah has been approved and granted permit by the Wisconsin DNR (Department of Natural Resources) to use the DASH (Diver-Assisted Suction Harvesting) method for removal of EWM (Eurasian Water Milfoil).  Click here to see more.